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    Yixian County Jinling Hotel is Huangshan City construction companies to invest in the construction of tourism development, comprehensive commissioned Nanjing Jinling Hotel management company set catering, accommodation, conference, entertainment as one of the four listed Stars Hotel.

    宾馆位于风景秀丽、文化深厚的黄山市黟县县城内,距世界文化遗产宏村、西递分别约13公里、8公里路程,距离世界自然文化双遗产地黄山景区约45公里路程。 宾馆占地45亩,建筑面积2万平方米,宾馆拥有典雅精致、舒适怡人的标准房、豪华房、商务套房、总统套房共198套,窗外青山绵延,空气清新。

    The hotel is located in the beautiful scenery, profound culture of Mount Huangshan in the city of Yixian County, from the world heritage Xidi and Hongcun, respectively, about 13 km, 8 km distance, the world natural and cultural heritage sites in Mount Huangshan Scenic Area – about 45 kilometers. The hotel covers an area of 45 mu, building area of 20000 square meters, the hotel has elegant, comfortable and pleasant standard rooms, deluxe rooms, business suites, presidential suites, a total of 198 sets, the castle stretches, fresh air.


    came to the room, the window within reach of the Jiangnan scenery and Huizhou intoxicating scenery fascinating. The decoration of the room reserved style bedroom elegant charm, from the exquisite furniture to the exquisite fabrics and art objects, everywhere reveals a rich china style.

    宾馆还设有可供520人用餐的中西餐厅和宴会包间为宾客奉献精美可口的菜肴与温馨细腻的服务。 宾馆多功能厅可承接220余人的会议商务活动,宾馆还有可容纳120人、60人、30人的大小会议室5间。玻璃穹顶上晶莹通透的水晶吊灯与这里优雅精致的美食相映成趣,令人心情愉悦。

    The hotel has a meal for 520 people of Chinese and Western restaurants and banquet rooms service of cuisine for guests with warm and delicate. Hotel function hall can accommodate more than 220 people meeting business activities, hotels and can accommodate 120 people, 60 people, 30 people and 5 conference rooms of different sizes.The glass dome on the glittering and translucent crystal chandeliers and the elegant Food gain by contrast, pleasant.

    宾馆的健身房、大小舞厅、众多KTV包房、棋牌室、桑拿等康体区域给宾客提供更多惬意的选择,宾客足不出店便可体验快捷周到的服务。 细意浓情,体验金陵。黄山的自然人文风情与金陵黟县宾馆的殷勤服务期盼您来体验。

    The gym, dance hall, KTV rooms, large size of chess and card room, sauna center and other recreational areas of the hotel to guests to provide more comfortable choice, guests can experience the foot without going out fast and thoughtful service. Fine Italian cities, experience of jinling. Natural and cultural customs and Yixian County Jinling Hotel Mount Huangshan hospitality service look forward to your experience.

    交 通 位 置

    距离黟县汽车站 0.4公里

    距离黄山屯溪机场 55公里

    距离黄山火车站 52公里


    0.4 km from Yixian County bus station

    Distance Huangshan Tunxi Airport 55 km

    From the HuangShan Railway Station 52 km

    The hotel is located in Mount Huangshan Yixian County Province, is located in the wing so Lu Wan Guan Shan, from the world heritage Xidi, Hongcun about 15 minutes by car, traffic is very convenient.

    订房贵宾热线:0559-5558888 400-618-6388




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